4129 | Xoopar Mr. Bio 25 Timer
  • 4129 | Xoopar Mr. Bio 25 Timer - Nature
  • 4129 | Xoopar Mr. Bio 25 Timer - Nature

4129 | Xoopar Mr. Bio 25 Timer

Fra 39,60 kr
  • Side 1 (25mm x 25mm)
    • Uden tryk
    • 1
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The pomodoro technique. It consists of dividing your day into short 25-minute time units (the "pomodoros"), in which you work continuously on a particular task. In between, you take a 5-minute break. The result: you get more done, the quality of your work improves and you stay more focused. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain.

Pris information


Varenummer LT41313_N0094
Mærke Xoopar
Vægt 122 g
Størrelse Wind up to 25 minutes, rest for 5 minutes and repeat.
Materiale Bio PE
Farve Nature
Højde 10.6 cm
Bredde 7.3 cm
Længde 6.9 cm