Assano Cards Game
  • Assano Cards Game
  • Assano Cards Game
  • Assano Cards Game
  • Assano Cards Game
  • Assano Cards Game

Assano Cards Game

Fra 23,20 kr
  • on the back (48 x 79)
    • Uden tryk
    • Fuld farve
    on the box (174 x 176)
    • Uden tryk
    • Fuld farve
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Assano card game with 55 fun, colourful playing cards made from sturdy 300-gram cardboard. Be the first to get rid of all your cards by matching the colour, number or symbol with the top card of the discard pile. A game for young and old. Packaged in a cardboard box and cellophane. You can add your full-colour design onto the back of the cards and also onto the box, creating a unique, personalised set to promote your brand with every game. Incl. instructions.

Pris information


Varenummer 139999
EAN-kode 8785260175188
Vægt 82 g
Materiale cardboard
Farve multicolour
Bredde 5.6 cm
Længde 8.7 cm

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